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PO Box 6275
Bozeman, MT 59771

(208) 755-1834

Bozeman Ice Climbing Festival
Hyalite Canyon, Montana

2023 Clinics

MTN414 Mobility

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MTN414 Mobility


Mobility (1 hour)

Feeling achy, tired, or stiff? The Mobility Class is designed to assist your recovery from long days of climbing, and improve your mobility so you can continue to send hard for years to come. During this hour of active recovery, we will be relieving tightness and stiffness by stretching, improving joint range and motion, and through some intentional joint stabilization activities. While providing a laid back, social atmosphere with chill tunes, this class takes a different approach to recovery than yoga. We will focus on learning the joint and muscle care necessary to keep your body happy all season long.

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Mobility (1 hour)

Sunday Dec 14th

10a to 11a

Mountain Project climbing gym