Sponsors — Bozeman Ice Festival

Contact Us

Please use the form to contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

PO Box 6275
Bozeman, MT 59771

(208) 755-1834

Bozeman Ice Climbing Festival
Hyalite Canyon, Montana




The Bozeman Ice Festival would not be possible without the generous commitment of the following organizations. Not only do they make the best gear and clothing on the planet, they make your climbing safer, more enjoyable, and they contribute an incredible amount behind the scenes to our event and Hyalite Canyon. Please support these brands and organizations at the Emerson Ballroom in the evenings to meet the reps, mingle with athletes, learn about the latest gear trends and be a part of a life changing event.


Presenting Sponsor



Supporting Sponsors

These companies make it happen by providing the gear, world-class guides, and expertise to make your ice climbing experience at BIF something to remember.


Official Rope SPonsor

Beverage Sponsor

Coffee Supplier

Community Sponsors