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PO Box 6275
Bozeman, MT 59771

(208) 755-1834

Bozeman Ice Climbing Festival
Hyalite Canyon, Montana

2023 Clinics

MTN413: Mental Health in the Mountains: Register at the Emerson

Sold Out

MTN413: Mental Health in the Mountains: Register at the Emerson


Backcountry travel, especially in the winter, has inherent risk. Managing risk is one of the fundamental aspects of outdoor objectives, and often the skills taught consist of vital technical knowledge—managing terrain, rescue/first aid, gear, and mountain travel skill development. Few courses, if any, tackle the interpersonal and emotional skills needed for big endeavors. Join licensed therapist Blair Anne Hensen, LCPC for a two hour course to learn essential skills for group and partner decision making and communication in the backcountry. This clinic is open to all identities and skill levels and will be held indoors in the Weaver Room at the Emerson Cultural Center.

This course will cover:

  • communication skills

  • managing stress and distress with partners or guided clients

  • understanding the brain in decision making

  • managing relationship factors (such as climbing with significant others vs. climbing partners).

  • processing grief, loss, and consequences

Time: 10:30AM-12:30PM - Weaver Room (second floor of the Emerson Cultural Center.

Saturday 13th

Cost: $30 per person

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Athletes and Sponsors: Blair Anne Hensen

Skill Level:
This course is designed for first time climbers with no experience.

Saturday 13th

Emerson Cultural Center 10:30 to 12:30p

Maximum Number of Participants:

If your preferred clinic is sold out please click here to be taken to the waitlist registration page. We will contact you if a spot opens up.

Clinic Cost:
Clinic cost includes world-class instruction and gear demos. It does not include film screenings or the Sunday evening event at the Emerson. These will need to be purchased separately.

Cancellation & Transfer Policy:
We have a new cancellation policy with a re-stocking fee for cancellations before 11:59pm MST on November 20th. If you are unfortunate enough to get injured, get elected to Congress, go into witness protection, or decide surfing in Costa Rica is more your thing and you are not able to make it Bozeman for the Ice Festival: no problem. We will partially refund your clinic purchase for a $50 re-stocking fee. After 11:59pm MST on November 20th, all clinic sales are final. Note, clinics are non-transferable.

*Instructors, clinic locations, and class size may change without notice due to conditions and weather.